Our Events & Webinars


Webinar: apsolut Squando - Customised supplier management and material group management based on SAP

Squando is a cloud framework for SAP-based supplier management developed by apsolut and Schaeffler. Join this webinar free of charge and learn, among other things, how you can onboard your suppliers in your own corporate design using a one-touch form and how you can flexibly configure your Squando according to your business needs.

Language: German


Webinar: Transform your Sourcing Process with SAP Ariba Guided Sourcing

In this webinar, you'll discover the core features and benefits of SAP Ariba Sourcing. Learn about the streamlined and intuitive Guided Sourcing process that enhances efficiency and get a step-by-step guidance on migrating smoothly from Classic Sourcing to Guided Sourcing. Additionally, gain insights into the seamless integration capabilities with both SAP and Non-SAP ERP systems.


Webinar recording: „AI-Infused User Guidance for SAP Ariba Buying – Unlock Efficiency and Precision with a Brand-New Copilot”

Watch our webinar recording where we unveil the Copilot for SAP Ariba, powered by Lhotse and apsolut, your ultimate procurement ally. With the Copilot, we revolutionise user experience, simplify complexity, speed up procurement cycles, and lighten the workload for requesters and your procurement team.

The circular economy starts with purchasing: Why procurement departments need to change their approach asap

The circular economy is something no business can afford to ignore. Recycling and reuse are among the most important tasks in the drive to reduce resource and energy use and to generate less waste and fewer emissions. Why purchasing has to play a key role in this.    

Have we awakened your interest? Then feel free to download our article:

Download article

Solution Management Services With our Solution Management Services, we guarantee the ongoing effectiveness of your IT structure and its value enhancement, even far beyond the initial go-live.

eSignature Connector for DocuSign

An apsolut-Product

The fastest way to start the electronic signature process within your SAP ERP.

Jobs and Career Be part of THE TEAM – be apsolut

Our News

apsolut is a finalist for the SAP Pinnacle Awards 2024 in the Business Network category

apsolut is a finalist for the SAP Pinnacle Awards 2024 in the Business Network category

For the first time in its history, apsolut is a finalist for an SAP Pinnacle Award.

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Industrial Technology Magazine: "Save time and resources with apsolut Squando"

Industrial Technology Magazine: "Save time and resources with apsolut Squando"

In this article you will learn more about the supplier management tool Squando, which apsolut and Schaeffler have developed together.

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A new home for the apsolut team in Switzerland

A new home for the apsolut team in Switzerland

apsolut has moved into new offices in Winterthur.

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Webinar: apsolut Squando - Customised supplier management and material group management based on SAP

Squando is a cloud framework for SAP-based supplier management developed by apsolut and Schaeffler. Join this webinar free of charge and learn, among other things, how you can onboard your suppliers in your own corporate design using a one-touch form and how you can flexibly configure your Squando according to your business needs.

Language: German

2024-06-18 Online

Webinar: apsolut Squando - Customised supplier management and material group management based on SAP

Webinar: Transform your Sourcing Process with SAP Ariba Guided Sourcing

In this webinar, you'll discover the core features and benefits of SAP Ariba Sourcing. Learn about the streamlined and intuitive Guided Sourcing process that enhances efficiency and get a step-by-step guidance on migrating smoothly from Classic Sourcing to Guided Sourcing. Additionally, gain insights into the seamless integration capabilities with both SAP and Non-SAP ERP systems.

2024-07-04 Online

Webinar: Transform your Sourcing Process with SAP Ariba Guided Sourcing


apsolut is a finalist for the SAP Pinnacle Awards 2024 in the Business Network category

Industrial Technology Magazine: "Save time and resources with apsolut Squando"

A new home for the apsolut team in Switzerland

Squando – Based on Collaboration and Joint Development by Schaeffler and apsolut