Another 'Strongest Link' - apsolut brings R. STAHL Schaltgeräte GmbH to the Ariba Network on the sales side

With R. STAHL Schaltgeräte GmbH, a specialist for explosion-protected controls, switch cabinets and luminaires, apsolut has connected another upmarket medium-sized company to the Ariba Cloud. The existing SAP ERP system was connected to the world's largest B2B network via a sales interface.

With the help of the new interface, the process from incoming customer orders to invoice processing is completely covered. When an incoming order is placed, a customer order is automatically created in ERP and an order confirmation is initiated in ERP. This is then sent to the customer via the Ariba interface.

The integration reduces input errors and the resulting manual corrections to a minimum. R. STAHL thus works more efficiently and achieves shorter lead times.

"In connection with our brand, we at R. STAHL like to speak of the Strongest Link. With the integration expertise that the apsolut team has demonstrated in this project, I am sure that we have created another strong connection," says Andreas Michalowski, Team Leader SAP Application Support at R. STAHL, fully satisfied.

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apsolut is a finalist for the SAP Pinnacle Awards 2024 in the Business Network category

Industrial Technology Magazine: "Save time and resources with apsolut Squando"

A new home for the apsolut team in Switzerland

Squando – Based on Collaboration and Joint Development by Schaeffler and apsolut