apsolut - a champion in the shadow of a castle, a stadium called "The Alp" & baking soda

Bielefeld is a strong business location, home to numerous well-known companies and now also a lively start-up scene [German only]. So it was only natural for kununu and XING to take a close look at the best places to work in Bielefeld. The result: apsolut is Bielefeld's most popular employer with a rating of 4.32 out of a maximum of 5 points!

The survey is based on the evaluations of employees at kununu.com. As success factors kununu emphasizes the "working atmosphere with start-up feeling" and the "open communication across all hierarchical levels".

"To be distinguished as Number One amongst all these well-known employers in Bielefeld is certainly outstanding! We move here between cooperative startup attitude and high level projects for fastidious customers. This mixture is obviously well received," says Hilke Westermann, HR Director of the apsolut Group.

The complete kununu article can be found here [German only].

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