apsolut Goods-Receipt App

One example of the optimization of existing process flows is the integration of Optical Character Recognition [OCR], which allows the contents of printed documents to be read. Using this technology, we have developed an app that uses a smartphone camera to redesign the Goods Receipt Confirmation process for several customers.

The process works as follows: The user scans their delivery note to be processed with a smartphone camera. OCR extracts the text data from this image, while an algorithm in turn filters out the relevant information from this text data and creates a pre-filled goods receipt posting. The user now only has to check and send this. There is no need to search for the correct orders or enter the data manually, which saves a considerable amount of time. This saved time can be used for checking the goods. In principle, this can be applied to all paper-based processes.

The following video gives an insight into the functionality of our app and the process flow from the user's perspective.

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