CPO Online Convention on Human Centric Design

- Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)


Due to the current situation, we are unfortunately forced to postpone our CPO Event at the Cabinet War Rooms in Westminster. The new date will be announced as soon as possible.

The good news is, that we are nevertheless able to provide our focus topic Human Centric Design. Listen to our keynote speaker Madeleine Joubert, GPO Buying Goods and Services at GlaxoSmithKline, and ask your questions! At GSK, Human Centric Design is seen as an integral part of a successful Procurement Transformation. One of the key factors identified is the need to retain talent and nurture creativity from the Generation X & Z demographic, which many of today’s solutions do not deliver. In order to provide further insights, we have invited Mrs. Joubert to lead and facilitate discussion amongst the online registrants.


Madeleine Joubert, GPO Buying Goods and Services at GlaxoSmithKline, will share her insights on GSK’s digital transformation journey, with the focus on the question, how businesses can early set the course for a new user experience.


Please note that the number of participants is limited. The target audience consists of decision-makers in the area of procurement. If you would like to attend please email lein.elsonbaty@ap-solut.com and naming your job position and your reason to participate.

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Lein Elsonbaty
Lein Elsonbaty





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